Rollercoaster Mum: 2011


Saturday 24 December 2011

Twas the Night Before Chickmas!

I know I haven't blogged much this month - in fact I have barely been here but what with birthday preparations earlier in the month for Little Miss Sunshine, Christmas preparations, Christmas events and working every hour that I have been child free helping friends with an internet games business (they are just a tad busy at this time of the year) I just haven't found the time.

But now Christmas is nearly here - nearly all presents are wrapped and I'm reasonably ready here is a chicken related poem that was posted on facebook earlier this year by The Chicken Coop. It is just perfect for today and I love the original poem anyway so here you are - Merry Christmas everybody!

'Twas the Night Before Chick-mas

T'was the night before Christmas ... and all through the coop
Not a chicken was stirring, not even to .......
The feeders were hung by the nestbox with care
In hopes that St. Chickolas soon would be there

The henlets were nesting, all snug on their eggs
with visions of earthworms 'round all their legs.
The chicks under mama, the roos on the roost,
(They managed to get there without e'en a boost!)

When out in the pen there arose such a squawk!
Louder than even an owl or a hawk!
Away to the henhouse I flew like the quail,
With broom in hand as to protect some tail!

The moon on the breast of the new-laying hens
gave a shine on the eggshells to be shared among friends.
A basket on runners showed up in the night
pulled by eight pullets, a marvelous sight!

With a big rumpless rooster in that unlikely sleigh
Proclaiming his presence by just crowing away!
As quickly as cockerels who've just spied a worm,
He chuckled and cackled and called names in turn ...

"Now Henny! now Penny, Now Fluffer and Puff!
On Brownie! on Sweepy! on Buckbuck and Duff!
To the top of the coop! To the top of the netting!
None faster than you, on that I am betting!"

As feathers that fly in the wintery breeze,
Aloft they did go, landing with ease!
Up to the coop-top, the cluckers they flew,
with baskets of chick-treats, and St. Chickolas too!

Then, with an inkling of how they would go
I heard pecking, and scratching from each little toe.
As I held up the broom to click open the lock,
in through the chick-door he came with a "BAWK."

He was adorned like a Silkie, from his top to his tail,
The comb on his head left no doubt he was male!
A bag full of scratch he held in his beak,
Which he shared with the girls when they ventured to peek!

His cape how it glittered, his head held so merry!
His tail shone like snow, how proud it did carry!
His wattles hung down like a beard bright and red,
and his comb stood up straight from the top of his head!

The wisp of some hay he held tight in his beak,
and it waved in the air when his head gave a tweak!
He had a broad chest, and a round little crop,
Which he filled all the way till one thought it might pop!

He was proud and high steppin', a fabulous roo!
Clearly he'd never end up in a stew!
A dance to the side and the drop of a wing,
had hens a'swoonin', the cocky old thing!

He plucked not a feather from the sleeping hens,
just sprinkled some scratch as if making amends.
He cooed to them all, to assure all was well,
The message he left, not a human could tell

He leapt into his basket-sleigh, to his pullets he clucked!
And up they did flap, as their load had been chucked.
But his head he did raise, crowing bright as a match


Wednesday 30 November 2011

Nov 30th - #NaBloPoMo - Post 30 - the End and thoughts on blogging

Hurrah! I made it - 30 posts in 30 days - to be honest I don't think I thought I would when I started out but I do like a challenge and I hate failing at anything. I've done a few Silent Sundays, a couple of recipes, some other photo posts and some reviews but I'm still pretty new to this blogging lark so it's all part of it I reckon.

Have I enjoyed it? Well yes and no I suppose. I haven't liked the pressure to post every single day - it's been like having a daily deadline. I have however enjoyed finding out that I have always found something to post on and to be honest I still have about 4 or 5 ideas in draft that haven't been done (and possibly never will now!). I have also enjoyed finding out what I like doing and beginning to find my style ( I think!). I apologise now for the waffle and bad grammar but the posts have been somewhat rushed sometimes.

I have loved the photo stuff and I really want to do some more on this - I especially intend to have a play with the Picnik website that Mammasaurus recommended. I've also quite enjoyed the odd cooking post and I intend to subject you all to more meaningless waffle and rants in due course. I have found the reviews more difficult as I don't feel as free to say anything I like and there are the links and descriptions that need to be put in. I am, I think, generally one of the 'lighter' bloggers with less of the 'dark side' as Maxabella put it. This inevitably means most posts are not too serious and may occasionally even provide a laugh. I may yet surprise you all though and show my 'dark side'.

I have found the time pressure really hard as I find it very tricky to do during the day with Little Miss Sunshine constantly badgering she's bored or just generally waffling on. Thank God for Cbeebies - although the poor child is lucky her eyes haven't gone square after this month (bad bad mother). Hence I am now writing this at nearly 2am - I hope that I can go back to going to bed a little earlier. I may be an insomniac up to a point but it has been getting a tad ridiculous and I am not sure OH would put up with it for much longer.

On that subject some of you may know that I had not told OH about the blog - well now he knows. This is not necessarily a direct result of NaBloPoMo but I think it has had an influence on it. I won't go into details but we haven't had the easiest of times the last few months and on the whole I am glad he now knows. (Also quite glad that so far he has shown no sign of wanting to see or read it - but my dear if you are reading this I do love you and I'm sorry.)

One of the best things about it has undoubtedly been all the new blogs I have found (although I haven't had the time I would like to read them) and all the wonderful, lovely, beautiful people that have commented on my blog. I really hope that bit doesn't stop - please don't go lovely people (stifles sob and insecurity). The community feel around NaBloPoMo has been great with lots of encouragement and comments which is very heartening for a new blogger. I very much hope I can get to Britmums Live and meet some of you luvverly people. In fact completing this has made me determined to book - I will convince myself it is a reward!

Would I do it again? Probably not as it has taken up an awful lot of time and energy - house, kids, husband, Christmas and birthday preparations have all been neglected (why couldn't it have been in January!) and I have an email inbox the size of Everest . I think as a newish blogger it has been particularly useful. I have learnt lots and met lots of people  (in a cyber not real life kind of way) and read lots and I have most importantly completed the challenge. Never say never again but I don't think I'll be here next year.

BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO US ALL!- pats on back all round. 

Right I'm off to find the sloe gin - see you all soon and Happy Christmas! (just in case I don't come back in December!)