Rollercoaster Mum: Warbling, wacky races and (more) wet weather - 52 Photo Project - Week 28


Sunday 15 July 2012

Warbling, wacky races and (more) wet weather - 52 Photo Project - Week 28

Another wet week - this has to be the wettest summer ever, so much so that I think it's making me think it's winter. I am tired all the time and have no energy - hence very little on the blog as my usual blogging time is about midnight when all is quiet and I have the house to myself but last week the sleep fairy snuck up on me and I found myself waking up on the sofa at about 2am - oops! That and being massively busy with end of term stuff, trying to prepare for the holidays and my newest time consuming activity of having to call my mother every other day (after her bereavement.)

So what did we do this week - well we didn't do oldest's sports day as it was cancelled. We had another death in the family - the girls' Great Grandad. This is sad but he had been ill for many years and was much older than my stepfather, so in many ways it is a blessing. The girls did not know him so well as they lived 100's of miles away and we had rarely visited in recent years so it has had less impact on them.

On a happier note they danced in the rain and Little Miss Sunshine's end of nursery concert and wacky races went ahead with only one rain shower. They have been preparing the songs and practising races all term so it's a big thing for them and it was a lovely noisy morning with lots of enthusiastic singing and racing. The songs were from around the world so smallest decided she wanted to dress up as a 'China' lady for her favourite 'fan song'. (Oh and the feathers on the headband were for another song - 'the redman song!) After the singing came the wacky races where she was in the red team and afterwards they all got rewarded with a medal that they had made a few weeks before! The staff work really hard at this show and I am now off to buy them a much deserved bottle of wine for their teacher presents. Ta ra and I will try and do better at blogging next week!

If you would like to see more of my little Photo Project take a peep here.
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  1. Aw, looks like loads of fun. Lovely pics. :) xx

  2. Girls look very happy.

  3. Girls look like the weather isn't affecting them so much. Children are so resilient! I share the mother phoning bit, I have just lost my Dad so ringing Mum twice a day at the moment, taking the stuffing out of us all a bit. Fingers crossed for some sunshine and more outdoor time for the school holidays.

  4. Nice hiw they get these opportunites at nursery to do magical things that make both their parents and their teachers very proud

  5. Looks like they are having a great time :)


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