Rollercoaster Mum: About me


About me

You can contact me at If you would like to know a bit more please read on ....

So who am I? Good question - not sure I know the answer myself some days.

I started this blog in August 2011 just as I was about to be made redundant. I thought it would give me a focus and something to do other than the drudgery of housework and childcare. Little did I know that it would take over my life - well the spare time in it anyway (hang on a minute - did I say spare time - what's that? - well you know that bit when most people are asleep - that's when I blog mostly!)

I am now gainfully employed again and so time is even more precious but I don't want to give up my blog - it has it's faults but I'm rather fond of it. 

I blog about all sorts - mainly based around photos which although I only have a compact digital (I dream of a great camera one day) I really enjoy taking and I am learning all the time. I am happy to do reviews, sponsored posts or accept guest posts on subjects that are relevant to me and my family. We love travel, days out, pretty clothes (well three of us are girls!), toys and crafts and I am partial to a glass of wine and some chocolate!!

The Rollercoaster family consists of 1 husband, 2 girls (aged 6 and 9 ), 2 chickens and about 15 fish. Youngest daughter Little Miss Sunshine (in later posts referred to as Little Miss) aspires to a dog and the rest of us including eldest, Little Miss Star (now referred to as Bigger Miss), aspire to a bigger house and garden. We currently reside in a small village in deepest, darkest Hampshire but would love to disappear to deeper, darker countryside and live the good life aka River Cottage style. This however is a pipe dream and unless we win that elusive lottery...

You can also find me wittering on twitter @chickensandkids, chuntering on facebook, wasting precious time on pinterest or even giggling on Google +.

If you would like to contact me please email 

Before you go do have a look around my blog and thank you for visiting :)