Rollercoaster Mum: November 2013


Saturday 30 November 2013

A Year in Pictures - Week 48

A week of relentless routine as time rolls on faster and faster towards the dreaded Christmas ...... and as I posted late last week and a bit early this week really nothing noteworthy has happened other than a sneaky mums' night in at a friends (and even then I drove!)

The only pics I took all week were from a short walk in the woods last Sunday where the girls 'discovered' a new 'special place' - just right in their minds for building dens, climbing trees and general good old fashioned outdoor imaginative play. Not the best ones ever but it's all I have this week!

Bigger Miss was very pleased with herself to be able to climb a tree! 

Sisters celebrating their special place find whilst having a short rest on one of the 'sofas'!

For some rather more exciting weeks head on over to the Boy and Me:

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky 

Sunday 24 November 2013

A Year in Pictures - Week 47

The pace is gathering and the run up to Christmas and birthdays has been increasingly hectic with the school Christmas Fair this weekend and a trip to Southampton Art Gallery with Bigger Miss's class - hence this post is late and there is a distinct lack of blog love but I have taken a couple of pictures. 

making pop art printing
Making pop art portraits at Southampton Art Gallery on Bigger Miss' school trip - it was lots of fun! (I went along as a parent helper)

craft clay owl Christmas decoration and handmade Christmas mouse
We made some Christmas decorations for the competition at school (we didn't win but we'll enjoy them on our tree) Bigger Miss made the mouse at her sewing club and I got the idea for the clay owl from pagingfunmums - I thought they were fab and so easy!

hand knitted mini Christmas stockings and mini wooden snowmen
In an attempt to raise money to help get our allotments we had a stall at the school fair to with little wooden snowmen to decorate and handmade knitted stockings - we didn't make loads but it was fun.

Father Christmas' grotto
The school do a great Santa's Grotto and here are the two Misses entering the grotto! 

Fundraising idea - Pluck the Turkey
Saving the best 'til last - one very clever mum in our class decided we should so a 'Pluck the Turkey' game for out class stall. She made him out of spray foam, plastic bags, lots of spray paint and an old hot water bottle. The feathers were made by the class and they each had a mark on them and it depended on the mark you pulled out as to what prize you won. The kids loved it  - Bertha was very popular! 

For more family fun head on over to the Boy and Me: 

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

Saturday 16 November 2013

A Year in Pictures - Week 46

Ahhh some crisp late autumn days with sunshine, the first frost and awesome sunsets have cheered me up over a sometimes tricky week.

The first few pics are from a lovely couple of hours that the girls and I spent at the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum last Sunday using up a voucher that I had bought months ago with the intention of using it over the summer but somehow we never got round to going. It's been one of my favourite places since I was a child and I have visited it many times. I'm really looking forward to seeing the new BBC series 'Tudor Monastery Farm' which was filmed there in the summer and one day I will write a proper review - promise!

view of South Downs and Medieval thatch - Weald and Downland
Bigger Miss with lovely view of the South Downs and awesome thatch at the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum

running down hill - Weald and Downland Open Air Museum
Racing down the hill at the Weald and Downland Open Air Museum

testing the outdoor facilities, Toll Cottage - Weald and Downland Open Air Museum
Little Miss testing the  facilities at the Toll Cottage - Weald and Downland Open Air Museum

frost sparkle on parsnips
First frost

Red sky at night - sunset

Make a Wish - stirring the Christmas pud
The week ended with the stirring of the Christmas pud and making our wishes
For more autumnal sunshine head on over to the Boy and Me:

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

Saturday 9 November 2013

A Year in Pictures - Week 45

This has been a very long wet, working week without a great deal of inspiration so I am making up for last weeks photographic overload with very few this week.

We didn't manage photos of a houseful of cousins last weekend, some very good reports back from parents evening or making the Christmas mincemeat but I did take photos of:

autumn fall leaf art tree
Bigger Miss made a rather lovely tree from all the leaves we collected at National Trust Sheffield Park Gardens last week 

Robin redbreast
The bird feeders have been topped up and I did see our lovely long-tailed tits back but didn't manage to capture them on camera but I did get a quick pic of a friendly robin.

Mossy hill on country walk
Bigger Miss and I dodged the rain today and managed a walk around the Ranges in the late afternoon. I love the light and the colours there and this little hill stood out with it's green moss rather than the yellows and browns of most of the landscape - and I spotted a wee pixie!!

Longmoor Ranges - Heathland landscape at dusk
Another capture from our walk over the ranges - the colours and light are always so beautiful I wish I could paint and I can never quite capture with my little compact digital. 

For some people who may have had more interesting weeks head on over to The Boy and Me:

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

Friday 1 November 2013

A Year in Pictures - Week 44

Half term week and phew it's been a busy one. School disco's, Carnivals, parties, sleepovers, relatives, days out and climbing with the odd storm (power cuts) and all the normal stuff thrown in too. I am, as is often the case, reeling (and we still have relatives coming to stay this weekend - aaarrrghhhhh!) Roll on Christmas - I might actually get to relax. Oh and apologies there are quite a lot of pictures this week!!

winning queen? dressing up + Bread and Jam dress
Little Miss decided to dress up with a few accessories - I have no idea what she was trying to be - my best guess is the Queen?! (but she did look funny so a photo was required!) 

Carnival float for girlguides
Last weekend it was the local carnival and the Girlguides association always has a big float with lots of the Brownies and Rainbows on it. Little Miss was very excited to be allowed to be on it for the first time as a Rainbow.

Sixties carnival costume - girlguides
And here she is - dressed up in her sixties outfit and very very pleased to see Mummy and Daddy and be able to wave at them! 

How to eat a toffee apple
As a treat I bought the girls toffee apples - Bigger Miss demonstrates how to eat one! 

steam train Bluebell Railway
The girls and I went for a short visit to Grandma's with a day out on Wednesday on the Bluebell Line and then a run around looking at the autumn colours in Sheffield Park garden. (hope to write a proper post on a great day out another time) Here is the view out of the carriage window - choo choo!!

Train driver on the steam train, Bluebell Railway
Little Miss got to meet the train driver at one of the stations on the Bluebell Railway - we love his moustache! 

Autumn reflections and a Ginkgo Biloba, National Trust Sheffield Park Garden
Unfortunately the sun went in for the afternoon but we still saw some gorgeous autumn colour at the National Trust's Sheffield Park Garden - I love the Ginkbo Biloba tree in the foreground. 

Autumn reflections and Fall colour, National Trust Sheffield Park Garden
Finally the sun came back at the end of the day - I love this one of Bigger Miss with the sunlight just coming through the trees. I took loads of pictures on our day out but these are a couple of my favourite. I will definitely have to do a longer post when I get time- watch this space! 

Tinkerbell fairy pumpkin carving
And of course it being Halloween there has to be a pumpkin - this was my attempt this year - a friendly Tinkerbell! We don't go in for Halloween in a big way and although happy to accept trick or treaters I have never taken the girls out to do it. Little Miss was at a Halloween party anyway and Bigger Miss at a brownie do.

For more hectic half terms and fun head on over to the Boy and Me....

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky