Rollercoaster Mum: New Kinky Boots! - Project 52 - Week 39


Sunday 30 September 2012

New Kinky Boots! - Project 52 - Week 39

I'm posting a pic for me this week. I got a new pair of winter boots - squeee! I also found it was really tricky taking a picture of a pair of boots! They are rather lovely - really comfy (even with a heel) and I shall be wearing them a lot. I discovered I can even manage the school run in them.

I shouldn't really have had to buy a new pair this year as my Mum bought me a lovely pair of black boots from Boden last year but very disappointingly they fell apart before the summer (my last pair from them did last two years), so I complained and although the boots obviously weren't good the customer service was excellent and they offered to refund the cost of them or pay for the repairs. I opted for a refund in the end but as I'd got them half price in the sale I couldn't afford a new pair of their boots so I opted for some I'd tried on in Clarks last week on our trip to London, which with a 20% off voucher means I've only shelled out about a fiver - feel like I've got a bargain!

Clarks mascarpone mix tan leather

I didn't really take any other photos until the end of the week when we attended the Garden Party to celebrate all the kids that completed the Summer Reading Challenge at our local library. I have written about  this before - basically they get a medal for reading 6 books in 6 weeks. It is a nationwide challenge but our local library also organises a little party for them at one of the local schools at the end of the summer. It takes place in their reading garden which was a show garden at the RHS Hampton Court Flower Show in 2008. The girls had lots of fun doing a treasure hunt, making masks and trying out mini fencing and circus skills.

We also went on the first of our winter walks across the ranges yesterday and I took loads of photos - including some fab puddle ones. I plan to publish a few more of them later in the week for Country Kids. Off now to the local Forestry Commission Forestry Discovery Day. See ya laters!

If you would like to see more of my little Photo Project take a peep here.
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  1. Gorgeous boots!

    I'm on the look our for a new pair so will give Clarkes a go!

  2. Gotta love a bargain. Great looking boots

  3. These are so lovely and I cant believe how cheap! I seem to live in boots for most of the year, always try and avoid spending too much but they are so expensive sometimes! Think I'll be heading down to Clarks!

  4. Nothing like a new pair of boots to Mark the start of autumn and yours look gorgeous. Very envious!

  5. ooh, so jealous!
    They are lovely lovely boots.

  6. oh you cant beat a comfy pair of winter boots and they look really nice and great value for money x

  7. They are beautiful! Unfortunately my legs are far too fat to accommodate Winter boots like that which I find a bit irritating and poo. I am very impressed with the angle of the photo though, I didn't know you were a contortionist?

    Thanks for linking up


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