Rollercoaster Mum: A Year in Pictures - Week 31


Saturday 3 August 2013

A Year in Pictures - Week 31

Two weeks of the holidays already gone. Time racing past and at the same time moving slowly whilst I miss my girls not missing me at their grandparents. Time to make up time for later and a little time for me, a book to read, and a little time for us, a rare meal out and even an evening at the pub - possibly not made the most of. Time to have them home for beds and house to be filled again.

OK so I didn't take this one but they are at their grandparents - having fun.

Aspiga sandals - relaxing in the sun
A little time to read my book in the hammock
Linking up with The Boy and Me - pop over for more summer holiday stories.

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky


  1. Fabulous photos. I know you didn't take the one of your girls..but I have to say..I love it. I bet your heart melted a little bit when you received that :0) Enjoy a well earned rest!

  2. Great photos, the one of your girls is adorable and loved the other too. Time for mum while the children are away enjoying time at grandma's :)

  3. they look so alike in that photo, something i dont normally notice. and i love seeing your feet up in the sunshine - enjoy x

  4. The bottom photo is cracking, complete Summertime!

    Thanks for linking up to Project 365.

  5. Gorgeous picture of the girls looking so happy - enjoy your rest and love the sandals.


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