Rollercoaster Mum: A Year in Pictures - Week 35


Friday 30 August 2013

A Year in Pictures - Week 35

It is the last week of the holidays and the time has slipped through our hands like the proverbial sand. It has been one glorious but busy summer.

This week we took the girls horse racing for the first time to Goodwood on unfortunately one of the least glorious days of the summer but we still had lots of fun and came away winners too. (Fantastic value for a family with racing, music, face-painting and free fairground rides on their Fifties themed weekend) Not sufficiently exhausted, the next day we set off for Carfest where there was just too many things to do and not enough time but we managed to kick back in the evening sun and enjoy the music. After a day of rest and recuperation we just about had enough energy to do a couple more of our #50things for the National Trust - making mud pies and snail racing. The mud pies were so popular they made more the next day!

The Big Ferris Wheel, fifties fairground, Goodwood
The view from the top of the Big Wheel should have been stunning but the weather was less than glorious for our trip to Goodwood. It was still declared the best ride ever by Little Miss!

CarFest, Children in Need
So many pictures taken I couldn't choose so this one it was - maybe you may see more if I ever get round to a review!

mud pies, #50things, National Trust
Pies! In this case pies were definitely the winners - I was quite impressed!

Garden Snail, snail racing winner, #50things, National Trust
Bigger Miss bravely let the winning snail crawl over her hand (in fact that is another ticked off the #50things - hold a scary beast!)
See how everyone else is coping with the summer holidays over at the Boy and Me:

TheBoyandMe's 365 Linky

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, what beautiful pictures. It has gone really quickly this year for us too, but been very enjoyable.

    Looks like you've had a wonderful summer.
    CJ x


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