Rollercoaster Mum: Circus of Thieves and the Raffle of Doom - a children's book review and Giveaway


Thursday 26 June 2014

Circus of Thieves and the Raffle of Doom - a children's book review and Giveaway

Some weeks ago we were sent 'Circus of Thieves and the Raffle of Doom' for Bigger Miss to review but I have to admit to snaffling it and reading it first and it is a brilliant read. It is the first kids novel from author William Sutcliffe who is best known for the novel 'Are You Experienced' and is aimed at the 8+ age group but I think I enjoyed it just as much as Bigger Miss.

Book review of Circus of Thieves and the Raffle of Doom by William Sutcliffe

The book recreates that excitement of the circus with a fabulous cast of characters. There are touches of David Walliams and Roald Dahl but the style is essentially unique with big doses of humour and wackiness. Although initially Bigger Miss thought the book looked a little boyish, with the main character being a girl, Hannah, she was soon converted. Hannah is gutsy, bright and slightly tomboyish and is very bored (with pretty much everything) until she meets Billy Shank and his camel, Narcissus from the evil Armitage Shanks' Circus where all is definitely not as at seems. The circus is full of brilliant characters like Irrrrrrrena the Russian assistant to Maurice (pronounced Murrggghhhheeece) the French trapeze artist, the ever bickering clown twins Hank and Frank and Jesse the Human Cannonball, who is definitely a bit of a Jesse! In town, Hannah is accompanied by Fizzer the dog and her Granny who we are pretty sure there is more to than meets the eye.

The story is all about what happens when the circus comes to town and Billy reveals Armitage Shanks' evil plans to Hannah. Hannah is determined to stop him but will she be successful? The story follows these two along with a camel, a dog and a cat and the madcap cast of characters. It is a funny and gripping 'rip-roaring' adventure - all helped along by the addition of amusing footnotes which really do add to the book and some great illustrations by David Tazzyman. I would imagine that confident readers from the age of about 7 would enjoy it, although the younger kids may not quite get all the references and jokes and it is definitely one of those that bridges the gap between boys and girls fiction - appealing to both. There are still questions left at the end of the book and it seems there is to be another book - certainly Bigger Miss and I both hope there is! I am not going to delve deeper into the story as that might just give the game away - however there is a spoiler alert in Bigger Miss's book review below so if you don't want to know what happens don't read her review just yet... (all you need to know is she gave it 10/10 - pretty high praise from a 9 year old!)

Book review of Circus of Thieves and the Raffle of Doom by William Sutcliffe
Bigger Miss's review

You want to read it now don't you? Well I just happen to have two copies from the lovely people at Simon and Schuster, to give away to a couple of you lucky people so if you think you or yours (it's a good book for adults too) would like to get your sticky mitts on a copy then all you have to do is complete the rafflecopter below. Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: I received a copy of the book for an honest review and I am not being paid to host this competition.


  1. This looks a lovely book! I will share for you, good luck to the winner.

  2. Just by the look of the cover it looks interesting! I'd enter, but little Mr would tear it into pieces at his current stage ;D Good luck to everyone else though!

  3. Sounds like the sort of book my ten year old would enjoy, will add it to our Amazon wishlist!

  4. I don't remember that long ago! Probably something by Roald Dahl.

  5. Has to be James and the Giant Peach :D

  6. Oh I really like the sound of this, I think my Boo would enjoy it x

  7. I loved the Roald Dahl books, they seemed so daring and cheeky when I was younger!

  8. I remember a Judy Blume book that made me laugh so hard, I can't for the life of me remember what it was called though! It was awesome x

  9. crikey i used to read alot of secret seven books not sure they were that funny though

  10. The funny bones books and my kids love them too!

  11. A weird and wonderful heroine? I like the sound of that! My favourites when I was little were the Roald Dahl books - especially The Twits.

  12. You wait until I'm older than you - Michael Rosen

  13. A weird and wonderful heroine - I like the sound of that! My favourites were the Roald Dahl books, especially The Twits.

  14. The Beano and Dandy annuals were very funny.

  15. Sounds like something my nine and seven year old would love! Thanks for the review :)

  16. Oh and my favourite funny books were definitely Roald Dahl!

  17. I cannot chose, I read so much as a child and still do, I have books piled up by my bed waiting!

  18. My best friend actually used to live on a ircus so yes I am kind of fascinated to read this!

  19. Johan Ellermann27 June 2014 at 22:42

    Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

  20. i used to love roald dahl books! this looks fab

  21. Georges marvellous medicine


  22. Absolutely loved the Magic Faraway Tree series.

  23. I used to get the Beano and Dandy every Christmas and I loved them

  24. I loved anything by Roald Dahl.

  25. I absolutely adored the Twits.

  26. I Loved Milly Molly Mandy, that's showing my age now!

  27. Brilliant competition - I loved reading as a child x x

  28. Enid Blyton The Famous Five

  29. I'm not really a book lover but have friends who are so will share this giveaway with them so they can enter x

    JustJulie | Beauty Blog

  30. when you give a mouse a cookie :)

  31. I would have to say Jacqueline Wilson

  32. Armitage Shanks - isn't that a toilet/basin manufacturer?! Creative name for a character

  33. Armitage Shanks - isn't that a toilet/basin manufacturer?! Creative name for a character

  34. I love Roald Dahl when I was a child x

  35. This sounds fantastic - I loved Roald Dahl and Jacqueline Wilson when I was younger - plus all the Point Horror and Point Crime books

  36. I was a big fan of Roald Dahl when I was younger.

  37. This sounds like a great read! Fab review, thank you. I found The BFG funny when I was younger.

  38. I love the title of the book - sounds like one i would like to read myself

  39. matilda roald dahl

  40. Roald Dahl books - especially The Twits

  41. Easily has to be Adrian Moles Diary for me

  42. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

  43. It was the 50s and there was very little money for books but I really enjoyed a set of Noddy books bought by Grandma to teach me to read before I started school. She started my love of books that has never faded. Retirement has given me some time to follow my passion but never enough :)

  44. I loved the Star Bellied Snetch (or something like that ) Dr Seuss

  45. I use to love spot the dog

  46. I always used to love the Worst Witch series

  47. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

  48. I used to love anything by Enid Blyton-The Famous Five, Secret Seven, Malory Towers etc!


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