Rollercoaster Mum: The Alphabet Photography Project - P is for...


Wednesday 27 August 2014

The Alphabet Photography Project - P is for...

There are some letters that you just know what you are going to use for the #alphabetphoto straight away and P was one of these and we say that P is for...


Peacocks are the most amazing birds and we were lucky enough to see wild ones in Sri Lanka a few years ago and they were a wonderful presence at the Larmer Tree Festival that Rollercoaster Dad and I went to in July, with one even dancing away on top of the stage whilst the bands were belting it out!

wild Peacock, about to display, Sri Lanka
wild Peacock captured in Sri Lanka - unfortunately his display was away from us mainly! 
Peacock sign for the Social, Larmer Tree Festival
The fabulous Peacock sign for the Social Tent at the Larmer Tree Festival

Peacock, Larmer Tree Festival
Peacock chilling out at the Larmer Tree Festival

Peacock dancing to Stornaway on the roof of the Garden Stage, Larmer Tree
Peacock dancing to Stornaway on the roof of the Garden Stage, Larmer Tree
For more ideas for P #alphabetphotos then go check out the lovely PODcast and her Alphabet Photography Project.


  1. Gorgeous photos of the peacock, he is really strutting his stuff in the first one

  2. Awesome photos, peacocks are amazing aren't they. These are beautiful, thank you so much for sharing and linking up #alphabetphoto


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