Rollercoaster Mum: Imminent return of the Packed Lunch - Walkers Mighty Lights to the Rescue!!


Wednesday 28 August 2013

Imminent return of the Packed Lunch - Walkers Mighty Lights to the Rescue!!

One of the things that I most dread about the end of the holidays is the return of the packed lunch. I may have mentioned before that I absolutely detest making packed lunches so any help in this direction is always very welcome. Last week a large mysterious package arrived in a cardboard box - what was this I wondered (had those pesky children got hold of my credit card - or worse had I been purchasing random items after too much wine?) but no, inside were three multi-packs of the new Walkers Mighty Light crisps (one of each flavour - Lightly Salted, Roast Chicken and Cheese and Onion) - mmmm!

Walkers Mighty Lights crisps
We liked the packaging with the little Crisp Man on the front
The girls fell on the box with great delight and demanded to try them 'now' - they do have a bit of a weakness for crisps. I suspect this is partly because they are rarely allowed them except as a treat as let's face it most crisps are not particularly healthy. If the truth were told they don't often get crisps in their lunch boxes. I have been known to bribe them with half a pack each on a Friday if they have been good the rest of the week but that's usually their lot. Being the summer holidays picnics have been somewhat less healthy - it is the holidays and path of least resistance and all that.

Anyway I digress, I was intrigued by the claim of 30% less fat on the Mighty Lights so I could hardly make them wait until they went back to school, however 'now' was about 6pm and nearly bedtime so they did have to wait until the next day and the next picnic. We started the tasting with the Lightly Salted which was probably our least favourite actually - they are still tasty but they have extra seasoning as well and to be honest I like my 'plain' crisps just that - plain with salt. The kids munched through them - the ridges make all the flavours good and crunchy but the next flavour out - the Roast Chicken was definitely a favourite. Bigger Miss even asked 'how much are these crisps, 'cause I want you to buy them Mummy?' (She knows I rarely buy crisps unless they're on offer or cheap!)

In fact the first two packs got munched so quickly that I didn't even manage to take any photos until we only had the Cheese and Onion left! I was pleasantly surprised at the flavour as they are not normally my favourite but I liked these- a good taste without being overpowering. The girls agreed and preferred these to other Cheese and Onion crisps.
Walkers #MightyLights
yum yum, crunch crunch - every last crumb was eaten!
Mighty Lights are undoubtedly healthier than some crisps without too much difference in the flavour and texture and I did check the sugar content as this sometimes rises as fat decreases but it wasn't too bad and in some cases was also lower than comparable crisps. However to me crisps are still a treat so I doubt the girls will get crisps any more often in their lunch boxes but at least I know it will be a healthier treat - win, win!!

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post and I was sent three packs of crisps for purposes of review but all words and thoughts are my own.

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